"A CEO Is Worth How Much?"

(At Exxon?)

How can Rex W. Tillerson, CEO of Big Oil,
Be worth three hundred times that of his average employee?
How much longer can his ExxonMobil despoil
Unrenewable resources limitlessly?

Does Rex really believe that we'll never run out?
That he and his ilk needn't invest
In solar, in wind, in water that they
Can't deplete whenever they're done with the rest?

Not enough profits right now to make them worthwhile?
But lo and behold, when the easy stuff's gone,
How will they and their greedy successors
Satisfy their shareholders and somehow carry on?

Not to mention the rest of us who didn't make millions,
Who didn't share in Rex Tillerson's greed,
Who lacked his faith in refillable oil wells,
Or had millions to squander and so fiddle-de-deed.

Bob Carlson

To 'Exxon Oil Spill In Arkansas Raises Concerns
     About Keystone XL Pipeline'

To 'Climate criminal number one — Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson'
To 'Who is the enemy leading us to climate catastrophe?'
To 'More Big Oil Mafia in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Climate Change & Global Warming in Rhymed Verse'