A Movement Afoot
To be sung to the hymn
"The Old Rugged Cross"
(On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,)

There's a movement afoot
   that we pray will take root
To dump each incumbent who runs.
Lobbyists will attest
   that these boys pander best
As holdover prodigal sons.

We've observed how they squirm
   as they buy each new term
As if that were all that's germane.
What a joke to expect
   their own voters' respect
When their sole goal is personal gain.

As a new lobbyist
   each will know arms to twist,
Greedy arms that will soon get the boot.
In the meantime great perks
   for dubious works
Make the ethics of all they do moot.

So to punish the greed
   that has become their creed,
Influenced by Cheney et al,
Please avoid giving cash
   to add to their stash.
There's no transaction fee
   and it's eavesdropper free
Unlike Visa, MC and PayPal.

Music & Original Lyrics by George Bennard
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Carols & Hymns'
To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Lobbyists'