Obama's Gulf War –
A Second Moratorium
Angering BP's Senator Joe Barton again, temporarily

How unnecessary, shortsighted and callous
To publish conditions oil drillers can't meet –
"Deepwater safety and blowout protection."
Why spell them out for the man in the street?

He's come to assume that they're always ignored,
So it's BP A.D. with which he's more concerned –
"After Disaster: response and containment."
Such a fine reputation Browne's BP has earned.

What a shame to shut down our "energy lifeline"
About one percent of the oil that we use –
Whose major impact is on quarterly dividends
And how much Gulf oil BP no longer spews.

All that and the campaign donations Oil makes,
Keeping incumbents in Congress ensconced
With promises of lots of Taco Bell franchises
Wherever there used to be fish restaurants.

Bob Carlson

To 'U.S. Issues Revised Offshore Drilling Ban'
To 'In BP’s Record,
       a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders'

To 'American Petroleum Institute
       scrutinizes revamped drilling ban'

To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Joe Barton Apology-Fest Continues'
To 'Salazar's MMS Chicanery'