A Stroke Of Genius
Clarifying General Wesley Clark's comments

Were Wesley's comments a mistake?
He never called Old Mac a flake.
To crash a plane, though a tough break,
Into a rather shallow lake –
A stroke of genius.

To fly a jet and be shot down
To cheers from ev'ryone in town
And somehow manage not to drown –
A stroke of genius.

To spend six years or so in jail
Making sure the press portrayal
Has you resisting tooth and nail –
A stroke of genius.

To downplay that you, too, confessed
While treated as a special guest
Because your Daddy's rank impressed –
A stroke of genius.

To now convince some pundits that
This qualifies a Navy brat
To be Bush III right off the bat –
A stroke of genius.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'
To 'McCain's Military Experience'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'