Obama's Gulf War –
Advantages To Being Cheap
What do BP and its accountants know about safety?

Hardly economical,
    their cost's proved astronomical,
Those cheap well casings their accountants chose.
But Palin's dog and pony show
    denying BP rigs can blow?
Like she was thinking only heaven knows?

Was no one else anticipating
    how drill baby devastating
This could be to Goldman's Gulf Shore Swaps?
Insider trading oil rig renters
    with damaged bum blowout preventers
Risk losing face with Birnbaum's keystone cops

If they stop sharing their good luck
    with all those out to make a buck.
What a blow to Goldman's latest plans.
Though Haley Barbour's still tongue-tied,
    denying RICO's justified,
Guess who's shorting Goldman's pelicans?

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Calls to shut down BHP's Atlantis oilfield'
To 'BOPGate - A Study in Oil Industry Arrogance'
To 'The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
       Organizations ("RICO") Act'

To 'Signs of Trouble Before Rig Explosion'
To 'BP Used Riskier Method to Seal Well Before Blast'
To 'Haley Barbour: Just Keep Talkin' Doll Baby'