Afraid Of Vaccines?
(Endagering your kids because of some illinformed celebrities?)

Can Jim Carrey protect your kid from the measles?
Can Jenny McCarthy protect your child from the mumps?
The doctor who wrongly connected vaccines to autism
Has been discredited and is in Texas taking his lumps.

Yet some mothers decline the sounder advice
Of medical experts who've told them that vaccines are safe.
That they're now manufactured without the thimerosal
That had been suspected of endangering a waif.

So why condemn your kids to a deadly sickness
When a safe preventative will keep them disease free
Them and the kids with whom they come in contact
With the medical profession's ninety-nine percent guarantee?

Why listen to quacks: entertainment celebs
Who are looking to keep their names in the news?
I'd shoot myself if my child died of an illness
For lack of a vaccine that some cuckoo pooh-poohs.

Bob Carlson

To 'Breaking: Vaccines Still Don't Cause Autism'
To 'Vaccine Skeptics vs. Your Kids'
To 'More on Health Care Policies in Rhymed Verse'