ALEC Copy Cats
(Making big corporations even more profitable)

We've heard it remarked that red state laws look alike
If Florida signs it, so does South Dakota.
The fact that South Florida has many more Cubans
Hasn't phased us at ALEC by a Xeroxed iota.

One size that fits all has long been our goal.
It makes far more efficient use of our time.
Miranda in Spanish in South Dakota
Never worked until ALEC made non-Spanish a crime.

All doctors everywhere must become obstetricians
If they are to help birth rates in Hatch's Utah
And increase the profits of state financed drug testers
Of his unemployed when Hatch passes our law.

This is a biggie for privatization.
Like our laws to let red states privatize prison.
Wall Street's applauding these clever investments,
Firms paid to lock folks up till they're old and wizen.

They don't call these red states "Red States" for nothing.
Communist China must be very proud
While Communist Russia is asking itself
"Where were our Ryans and ALECs to screw our crowd?"

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Shaping State Laws With Little Scrutiny'
To 'Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law'
To 'ALEC: Ghostwriter & Lobbyist
       for Red State Legislatures Verses'

To 'ALEC: Links To Critiques & More Info'
To 'South Dakota Moves To Legalize Killing Abortion Providers'
To 'Orrin Hatch: Drug Test The Unemployed'
To 'Creepy Orrin Hatch Verses'
To 'Red State Nutjob Verses'
