An Identity Crisis
Which is Obama? Which is McCain?

The issue this time isn't sex.
Essentials? Essentially the same.
Instead it is who writes the checks
And how they influence the game.

Mac's minions have proposed a theory –
He's too old to come up with his own.
It's been borrowed from Timothy Leary,
So it's not really theirs but on loan.

The theory is this – please don't laugh
Until I have tried to explain –
Obama is taller by half
And not plagued with a name like McCain.

Obama looks virile and vital.
McCain? How can I phrase it? Well, tame –
Though he's lasted for years as an idol,
Their theory's his problem's his name.

John McCain this, then John McCain that.
Then ev'ry few years he'll just switch,
So often it seems at the drop of a hat.
He's too old to recall which is which,

Plus Obama sounds far more exotic
Than a Little Mac, small Coke and fries,
And his air escapades less aquatic
Than those of the Cong's fav'rite prize.

So their hope's for a Town Hall debate,
Where, when Barack's introduced,
Little Mac will, for an hour or so elongate,
When he not Obama's produced.

Now that is the part that's suspect.
But they think if the lighting is right,
It might take several days to detect
The significant diff'rence in height.

Yes, they know Obama's much taller,
But when weighed, they're almost the same,
So, though you find this hard to swaller,
What if Shorty did steal his good name?

Why would Mac do it though he might come to rue it?
If your financial outlook is poor
And they fail to detect which one writes the check
To McCain?
Voilà! "Campaign Donation du Jour"!

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'