"An NRA Fatwa?"

(Terror organization gets tough with its own members)

Dear Members,
You may have seen it on the TV
Or even read it in the news.
The NRA and Wayne LaP. have got the blues.
Some of you have gone too far,
Or are planning to.

We're addressing this to those of you
Still in the planning stage.
For those still loading at the bar.

It's too late to turn the page
For those who've gone ahead
And are deceased.
But for all the rest, who aren't yet dead,
It's time these murder/suicides

Consider this an order,
A fatwa if you must,
Or we'll let the Congress take your gun.
Some have crossed the border-
Line beyond what Wayne considers just,
And seem to have been having too much fun.
    Your Shaky-Powers-That-Be.

Bob Carlson

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