An Un-American Sheik
(Couldn't he be more like Scott Walker?)

How un-American can an Arab sheik be?
As much as a ConocoPhilips deduction?
What makes him think hiring rogue mercenaries
Can keep his ruling families from self-destruction?

Why hire Eric Prince, Blackwater's billionaire boss
Whose legal problems forced his move to Dubai?
Can his band of vets from the French Foreign Legion
Hold a candle to Wackenhut's boys? In a pig's eye.

The French Foreign Legion was tossed out of Algiers.
The billionaire, Prince, was banned from Iraq.
But Wackenhut's frat boys are truly American.
Each is willing to party till he's flat on his back.

What was that sheik thinking? Didn't he have a choice?
Party with Wackenhut? Have a good time?
Why couldn't he follow Scott Walker's example?
Did the sheik feel the need for a partner in crime?

Why did he rule out using CIA forces?
Apparently their reputation preceeds them.
Torture's not a procedure that this sheik approves of.
Decapitation's his preferred stratagem.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'UAE prince hires Blackwater founder to set up foreign force'
To 'Big Oil: Ending Tax Breaks Would Be 'Un-American,''
To 'These are the guys that Scott Walker
       wants to keep UWM students safe'

To 'Blackwater Mercenaries Verses'
To 'Wackenhut Mercenaries Verses'
To 'Scott Walker: Nutjob Verses'
To 'Tax Breaks and Oil Subsidies Verses'
