Anonymous Donors Try to Collect
(Who wants to admit that they ever knew 'em?)

How will anonymous donors collect?
How can they prove who it was that they bought?
How'll they convince juries they own politicians
Who're one minute for something, and the next? Maybe not.

The truthfulness quotient for most politicians?
Nonexistent! We expect them to lie and be bad.
Billionaires pay them and Murdoch's boys program them.
Show them the money, not some partisan ad.

The media love the absentee spending.
Advocacy ads keep the media afloat.
When will combatants and media weaponry
Learn that they're getting our goat not our vote?

Despite negative feedback the spending goes on
And big city "funding" expands to the boonies.
But it's still a challenge to buy the election
Of such a collection of Tea Party loonies.

Won't New York City Ballet be embarrassed
If billionaire donor surnames are revealed
And they find their patron fought against masturbation?
Perhaps it's not good to be dumb and well-heeled.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Terrible Election Race Race'
To 'The Secret Sponsors'
To 'Donor Names Remain Secret as Rules Shift'
To 'Billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama'
To 'The Billionaire's Party'
To 'The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O’Donnell'
To 'Secretive Koch Donors'
To 'News Corp. Donates $1 Million
       to U.S. Chamber of Commerce'

To 'Murdoch's Monopolies'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Chamber of Commerce Money Laundering'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'