"Another Snowjob"

(From Eric Cantor)

We need more precipitation?
Like more Cantor double-talk?
One humongous blizzard's not enough?
Ditto Cantor's dissertation,
A new snowjob for Cantor's flock:
"Tell those ladies, just hang tough."

Will Cantor be of much assistance?
About as much as this last snow.
He recommends passive resistance,
"So, they've a tougher row to hoe."

Despite claims that he "loves the ladies,"
Something shady's going on.
How many ladies in their eighties
Were never ever put upon?

Bob Carlson

To 'Eric Cantor: I 'Care Very Deeply About Women''
To 'Shame On You, Eric Cantor!'
To 'More Irresponsible Eric Cantor in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Republican Puppets in Rhymed Verse'