Axelrod's New Hustle
(Good riddance)

Few knew of Axelrod's secret ambition
Until he let loose with his Huffington bomb.
All through the midterms he'd kept it well hidden
And was gen'rally considered more loyal than Rahm.

Rahm jumped ship insufficiently pre-conflagration
So he gets much of the blame for being the cause,
Whereas Axelrod seemed to meekly hang in there
Providing the curtains for the Wizard of Oz.

The fact that he'd do so was taken for granted.
He'd signed on to pull strings for two thousand and twelve
And managed to keep DC's press corp believing
That this was a matter in which they need not delve.

Then ka-boom with the bomb that laid bare his intentions –
Dave was laying the groundwork to make sure he was fired.
Suddenly Rahm's race to be Chicago's mayor,
Compared to Dave Axelrod's, looks less than inspired.

The young lady pictured on Axelrod's posters
Not only is pretty but completely nude,
And a definite shoo-in compared with Rahm's Rush Street.
Male constituents do prefer nudes to fast food.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Aide’s Comments Cause Stir
       as White House Discusses Tax Strategy'

To 'A sadder but wiser Axelrod packs his bags'
To 'Poll Finds Majority Of Male Voters
       Would Have Elected Naked Woman'

To 'Milquetoast Advisors'
