Bad Bahrain, Bad Saudis
(For supporting apartheid and tyranny with U.S. weapons)

Bahrain and the Saudis should start mending their ways.
Apartheid's not pretty and tyranny's worse.
All Shia aren't Persians, so get with the program,
Or risk falling victim to the Robert Gates curse.

Now that the U.N. Security Council's approved
Action against another mideastern despot,
What makes you think you guys can get by with
Upsetting the United States Navy's respite.

That's the Navy that occupies at least one fifth
Of the island Kingdom now known as Bahrain
How hard would it be, after ejecting the Saudis,
To find somewhere else for that Navy to train?

Reluctantly Gates must move carrier groups
Into the Med to beef up the Sixth Fleet.
In the meantime he's praying the British and French
Leave them nothing more than Qaddafi mincemeat.

The plan's for Obama to show Gates how to dawdle
Until U.S. jet fighters the Saudis have got
Leave the King of Bahrain to make nice with his Shia
And help give Qaddafi a bad case of dry rot.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Bahrain Pulls a Qaddafi'
To 'U.S. Wrong to Approve Saudi Invasion of Bahrain'
To 'Fifth Fleet abandons base in Bahrain'
To 'Allies Press Libya,
       Saying Declaration of Cease-Fire Is Not Enough'

To 'Nostrobama: The Dawdler'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
