Bank Robbers
à la Bushie

Dillinger risked life and limb
    when he was robbing banks.
Bushie would have said, "Here's more:
    a token of our thanks.

"If you make like a CEO
    and pay yourself a mint,
Just let us know when you want more
    so we know what to print."

Will Obama reign them in
    and paint Bush as inept,
And rescind the loans to robbers
    who have overstepped?

What chutzpah for someone to think
    TARP dollars that he got
Are gifts to his stockholders and
    to him for doing squat.

Tax dollars meant for lending out
    to persons in distress
Were not intended to help CEOs
    of banks prolong this mess.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Merrill's Janitors'