Banks Prefer Proprietary Fleecing
(And worry about Boehner's vote to extend their debt limit)

Self-serving Wall Streeters like Merrill and Citi
Sold the riskiest parts of their CDOs
To other new CDOs that they were making
As the subprime mortage foreclosure rate rose.

That seemed to work while Bushie was spending
Big time to buy Big Oil more of the Middle East,
Running up gigantic Federal deficits
While bankers made sure that their own banks were fleeced.

Bush Republicans and bankers were very successful
Building billions in deficits for his G.O.P.
As mere millions in bonuses for W's bankers
Kept Wall Street happy through the G.O.P. spree.

But incestuous sales of subprime CDOs
Backfired on Bushie's self-serving big banks.
Now they worry and fret about their next TARP bailout
As Boehner votes "No" so Bernanke's bank tanks.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis'
To 'Wall Street Warns on Debt Limit'
To 'John Boehner: No promises on debt limit vote'
To ''So-be-it' John Boehner's Boondoggles Verses'
To 'Bush League Banker Verses'
To 'New exposé of big oil's role in the Iraq war '
To 'Oil Industry Mafia Verses'
