Bashing Bankers With Widow Withington
Op-Ed Writer Widow Withington is disgusted

"Bankers, get off your high horses.
    Who needs costly middlemen?
What's it take to be a banker?
    A suit and tie and bucks from Ben,
    or proof that one can count to ten?

"In Sunday's op-ed I'll be writing
    how I'm more and more amused
That bankers faced with bonus limits
    feel so terribly abused.

"If you won't lend, how'll you make money?
    Why should a 'bank' like yours exist?
Abandoning your banking function's
    a great way to not be missed.

"No one borrows? Where's your profit?
    No more twenty-nine point nine?
Hang it up, you greedy bankers.
    Your demands are out of line.

"What makes you think that you're worth millions
    in outlandish 'cash rewards'?
There are lots more worthwhile ventures
    we could put our money towards.

"You'd rather see your banks go under
    if the Congress legislates
How much of what Ben loans to you
    can be spent on Spitzer-gates."

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Withington Verses'