"Beautiful Dreamers"

(Shakin' Governor Jan Brewer's tree…)

Beautiful Dreamers, forsaken by Jan,
The limelight and gun fights are all part of her plan.
One Senator down, but it won't be long
Ere that little ole dogie's forced to get along.

Beautiful Dreamers you're shakin' Jan's tree.
Your ACLU questions her legality.
"I've the authority," Brewer complains
"I am part Injun; we came from the plains.

"We beat up the Navajo; we were quick to condemn.
We made it quite clear we're more sacred than them'
Who was here first is not the issue.
Look at the tears in my eyes. Bring a tissue.

"Beautiful Dreamers, when I say you can't drive,
Shut up and be thankful I've kept you alive.
You want to be doomed like the injuns before us?
Keep makin' trouble? Join their forefathers' chorus."

Bob Carlson

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