Becoming A Podesta Pays Off
Heather's third marriage provides a fun menu

Male or female? Take your pick.
    Hire your own Podesta whore.
Tony works the Senate floor.
    Heather flits from door-to-door.

John, a former Chief of Staff
    who oversaw Barack's transition,
Now oversees his clan's plan
    to own most ev'ry politician.

Exchanging pecks with Charlie Rangel,
    Heather makes sure Ways and Means
Takes good care of Eli Lily
    And her, of course, in "geeky" jeans.

How many votes among us
    do Podestas represent?
None! It's corporations
    who decide where money's spent.

So each hires its Podesta whore.
    More and more that's Heather,
Who'll invite our politicians to
    a fund-raising get-together

To help finance next year's campaigns
    so they can stay in "power",
And sell themselves repeatedly
    for Podestas to devour.

Bob Carlson

To 'Lobbyists'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Heather Podesta, The Insider's Inside'
To 'The Rabbit Ragu Democrats'