Big Brother Watches And Profits
Goldman Sachs constantly reenacts Orwell's 1984

Web site warning! Goldman Sachs
    is ev'ryone's Big Brother.
It doesn't seem to matter that
    you had a nicer mother.

For they admit that when you trade
    Lloyd Blankfein could be watching you,
And knowing what you buy or sell
    he'll make an extra buck or two.

If he sells short or buys before
    he executes your trade,
And your action moves the market,
    a tidy Goldman profit's made.

Front-running's what they call this
    famous Wall Street monkeyshine,
Which certainly does wonders for
    a shylock's bottom line.

How much of this is going on
    is difficult to say,
But, judging from Lloyd's bonuses,
    it helps to make his day.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Goldman Sachs Bubble Machine'