Big Oil's 'A' Team?
(Fossil fuel defenders)

Who says fossil fuels are changing our climate?
Who claims that's impossible? BP wouldn't dare.
No way would they let a deep well explode.
Why would they cut corners and risk polluting our air?

A desire for more profits? They are a corporation.
Isn't that what they were created to do?
But what's with Joe Barton, that Republican from Texas?
Isn't his job to represent me and you?

But what is "Smokey Joe" Barton's main claim to fame,
Before he apologized for the way we went after BP?
Attempting to exempt cement plants from anti-smog regulations
In return for their donations of much dough re for me.

Five years later his ethics were questioned because of his investment
And conflict of interest in natural gas.
Intimidating letters "Smokey Joe" sent to climate change researchers
Were designed to protect British Petroleum and "Smokey Joe's" ass

Along with that of the Oil Mafia's whoremaster Vitter
And some of the world's most notorious pollution deniers.
Are these non-scientist idiots including Issa and Inhofe
The best Big Oil can find as fossil fuel glorifiers?

Bob Carlson

To 'Poll: Young Voters Call Climate Deniers "Ignorant," "Out of Touch," "Crazy"'
To 'New Infographic: The Anti-Science Climate Denier Caucus'
To '‘Scientists Say Human-Caused Climate Change Is
     … Creating More Heat Waves, Droughts And Intense Downpours’’

To 'Record-setting heat wave turns fatal in Southwest ’
To '34 sent to hospitals in Las Vegas
     as record heat parks over West, Southwest’

To 'More Climate Change in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More KXL Pipeline in Rhymed Verse'
To 'That's a light coming in through a crack in the KXL pipeline'
To 'People In ‘Safe’ Areas Becoming Ill From Exxon’s Mayflower Oil Spill'
To 'House supporters of KXL received $56m from fossil fuel industry '
To 'Exposed: Canadian Oil and Gas Workers, Many Unions,
     Now Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline'

To 'State Department Inspector General Investigating
     Keystone XL Contractor ERM’s Conflicts of Interest'

To 'More Big Oil's Mafia in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More British Petroleum Incompetence in Rhymed Verse'