"Big Pharma's Guns And Drugs"

(Too much fun)

What fun is a drug without a gun?
And guns without drugs? Not near as much fun.
In order to reach your full potential,
Combining drugs with guns? Absolutely essential.

What good is a gun if you're feeling complacent
With your violent instincts totally nascent?
Let them bubble over and out with a drug
That makes you want to shoot someone, not give them a hug.

Big pharma has got 'em, oh have they got 'em,
And already approved by "your" FDA.
Blessed and approved so their easily gotten.
They don't want you to think your fun's been forgotten.

Will it be too much fun? That's a matter of taste.
It wouldn't do to let those drugs go to waste.
This could be a very lucrative venture for the FDA,
Supported by fun-loving Big Pharma and its NRA.

Bob Carlson

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