Bigger Isn't Better
Except for bank behemoth bonanzas

For whom is bigger any better?
    Apparently not us.
Failing banking behemoths
    created quite a fuss.

When Bushie and Obama's boys
    busied themselves bailing,
They lost a few, but those they saved
    are those we're now bewailing.

Those too big to fail before
    they've managed to make bigger.
Can anyone who thinks that's good
    say so without a snigger?

Should Ben charge J.P. Morgan Chase
    a "zero" int'rest rate,
Then let them loan to customers
    at twenty-nine point eight?

Should Goldman be allowed to issue
    tens of billions worth of bonds
Insured by the F.D.I.C.'s
    magic money minting wands?

And now with home foreclosures up
    and folks still losing jobs,
Mere "millions" can't describe a bonus.
    Now they're talking "gobs."

Why is there no public option
    to make bankers toe the line?
Or force them to buy back their banks
    so they risk theirs, not yours and mine?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Banks'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Goldman Can Spare You a Dime'
To 'Bailout Fuels New Era of Wall Street Wealth'