Billionaires Buy Mitt

(Most others don't, can't and won't)

Billionaires buy him. Mitt's one of them.
Most of the rest of us aren't and we don't.
Mitt's pitches to us? Each a mere stratagem
We don't qualify for and can't buy into, so in November we won't.

When billionaires buy Mitt, they know what they're getting,
At least they are all pretty sure that they do
If Mitt did win, this is what we, too, are betting:
He'd reward his sugar daddies and not me and you.

It's not our endorsements, but our votes Romney needs.
Yet Republican big wigs aren't helping him much.
Lukewarm support no matter how much he pleads?
Because most aren't billionaires they'll let each other go Dutch.

Bob Carlson

To 'Sugar Daddies - The old, white, rich men who are buying this election.'
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