Birds Of A Feather…
( Ginni, Clarence and Hosni)

Mubarak plays footsies with Egypt's elite
The way our Republicans pamper the rich.
Will Clarence Thomas agree to step down
When ninety percent of Americans bitch?

If the rich ten percent that Ginni is courting
Hire thugs armed with Glocks and lengthy rap sheets,
Can Hosni persuade our Republican SCOTUS
To step aside when we take to the streets?

How many millions must march on The Mall
Protesting insurers and the larcenous banks
Who pay Ginni Thomas to sweet talk her hubby
And convince GOP freshmen they shouldn't break ranks?

Lobbies like Ginni's are just as corrupting
As Hosni's patronage, but he's gotten the jump
On the techniques he needs to ride down his opponents.
Ginni's Tea Party camels have just one slippery hump.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mubarak?'
To 'Justice Thomas’s wife Ginni now a lobbyist'
To 'Hosni's Helpers'
To 'Pro-Mubarak Marauders Use
       Horses, Camels, and ‘Chariots’ to Beat Protesters'

To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Scalia's Lobby/Court'
To 'Egypt: Mubarak's Demise'
