Birtherism's Donnybrook
(Why choose a loser like Donny?)

Birtherism's Donnybrook has some pundits puzzled.
Is it certificates or more births that The Donny wants?
If it's the latter, he's found two ways to approach it:
Pro-Fetus with Coburn or John Edwards' response.

Some say that The Donny's too old for the latter:
"Do it yourself so you set an example…"
Well, that's what he's done. But three wives and five children
Exposed to his genes is certainly ample.

For age has apparently caught up with Donny.
Has he found it much harder to sow his own oats
And decided he can't populate the world with himself?
But can he wait until Coburn has grown him the votes?

Still he has switched to what most see as the dark side.
Population control is out, as are women's rights.
Will the gambler who lost, though he owned the casinos,
Admit having lost two out of three pillow fights?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Help overstate Trump's poll numbers. Vote for him here'
To 'Donald Trump Gets Weirder'
To 'Voted YES on restricting UN funding
       for population control policies'

To 'John Edwards acknowledges child from affair'
To 'Donald Trump's Family'
To 'Donald Trump Explains Conversion to Pro-Life Side on Abortion'
To 'The Donny Dope'
To 'Just Plain Nutjobs'
To 'Oklahoman Oddities'
