Boehner's Name Is Mabel
The twobits is for the beer

Obama's presidency
    unlike that of forty-three
Is signing bills whose innards
    he's allowing us to see.

He has a big advantage.
    With Republicans against it
And the public mostly for it,
    John Boehner hasn't sensed it.

Yet Boehner's celebrating.
    Can it be he thinks he won?
The scoreboard reads Obama, four,
    but Giddy Losers, none.

And that was when bipartisanship
    still was on the table.
But two unanimosities?
    Twobits says he's a Mabel.

Off the table, no more input;
    ditto poor old Mitch.
For at least the next eight years,
    all they're allowed to do is bitch.

There's little chance Obama
    hasn't welcomed this betrayal.
For pennies on the dollar
    Boehner's party is on sale.

This is as it ought to be.
    They're Bushies to the core.
To lobbyists who feted them,
    they're hardly worth much more.

"Pay those birds to filibuster?
    Get 'em outta here!
Why pay for play with Mabel?
    This twobits is for the beer."

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'John Boehner'
To 'Mendacious Mitch McConnell'
To 'Obama's Stimuli'