But He Said *
Sung to the tune "But Not For Me"

The oil they're drilling for is not for me.
China or Singapore, but not for me.
I know we're in a bind,
But any oil they find
Will be consigned to the Chinese.

Alaska's way too far away from me.
It's cheaper shipping it by sea.
Despite the oil they spill
Or polar bears they kill
Their oil-for-me is just a tease.

* The New York Times - 3/27/05
Thomas L. Friedman - "Geo-Greening by Example"

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Ira Gershwin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Oil Companies'
To 'Environment'
To 'Corporate Greed'
To 'Geo-Greening by Example'