"Can Karzai Yodel Yet?"

(To avoid being taken out by the Taliban et al)

Hamid Karzai is learning to yodel
    for when he seeks asylum with Heidi,
Or as the most wanted crook on the Taliban's list
    he won't sound all that high and mighty.

His days will be numbered unless he leaves,
    so where better to go than where his cash is stashed?
Plus that may be the one country, so far,
    that he's not verbally trashed.

Paul Ryan has struggled to get Hamid enough IRS loopholes,
    but in typical Paul Ryan fashion he's failed.
If Hamid seeks asylum in the land of the free,
    he won't be, and the crook will be instantly jailed.

On Hagel's first day in office Hamid's name went on a drone,
    so Hamid would do well to watch what he says.
Chuck won't put up with his nonsense and nastiness to us
    Poppies lack the status that oil gave to Chavez.

Copyright © 3/13/13
Bob Carlson

To 'Karzai Accuses U.S. of Taliban Collusion as Hagel Visits'
To 'Paul Ryan’s Large Lies and One Big Truth'
To 'More of Karzai's Corruption in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More of Ryan's Cons in Rhymed Verse'