Casino Days Ahead
Demonstrating unregulated market potential

Just when you thought the SEC
    had us dead to rights,
We've shown our hi-tech algorithms
    still have you in their sights.

Your i-Pads won't be fast enough
    to ever match the pace
With which our high speed machinations
    strike your market place.

We've proved how few large naked shorts
    it takes to scare you gambling blokes,
Knowing you're inclined to panic
    unlike ordinary folks

Who ignore CNBC's
    "minutes late" quotations
And tips on how to guess the next
    market aberrations.

Why even we have not decided
    what and where the next will be.
Depends on when we feel inclined
    to screw you and CNBC.

Bob Carlson

To 'Naked Short Selling'
To 'High Frequency Trading'
To 'Stock plunge raises alarm on algo trading'
To 'High Frequency Trading Is A Scam'
To 'Origin of Wall Street’s Plunge
       Continues to Elude Officials '