CEOs, Bombers and Shooters'
(Jail the CEOs first)

What is the difference between terrorist bombers and shooters?
Both murder innocents who can't fight back,
But one is creative and makes his own weapons.
The other is not; he buys off the rack.

Thus supporting the dastardly munitions makers
Who aren't satisfied with instigating more wars.
The Obamas and Bushies don't use sufficient gunpowder
To satisfy Wall Street and its greedy whores.

They hire crude loud-mouth puppets like Wayne LaPierre
To be their mouthpieces and much hated frontmen
Aided and abetted by the Rant Pauls and Max Baucuses
And propaganda promoted by Fox and CNN.

So who are the real killers? Who are the terrorists?
Those placing the bombs and pulling the trigger?
Or those bribing the Congress and regulators?
It's the corporate CEOs! Isn't that what we all figger?

Bob Carlson

To 'These Are The Senators Who Voted
     Against Expanded Background Checks
     And How To Contact Them'

To 'How The NRA Impeded The Boston Bomber Investigation'
To 'The Real Terrorists Are The Corporate Execs
     Who've Bought The Regulators'

To 'No Sweetheart Deal for BP'
To 'What A Difference One Senator Makes: Scott Brown v. Elizabeth Warren'
To 'HSBC fine: what does it take for a bank to get prosecuted?'
To 'How HSBC boss Stuart Gulliver earned his giant bonus'
To 'HSBC Exposed U.S. Financial System
     to Money Laundering, Drug, Terrorist Financing Risks'

To 'Letter to Maryland Attorney General, Doug Gansler'
To 'Stuart Gulliver, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'
To 'More Bush League Banks and Bankers in Rhymed Verse'