Cerberus Pledge Week
With contributions from viewers like you

Flamboyant CNBC sources are hinting
    that Cerberus management's figured it out,
Encouraged by Moodys investment advisors,
    car making should not be what Chrysler's about.

Internal memos have been circulating
    with warnings against their increasing their stake.
Why risk their own money to rescue the bad?
    That's a mistake only governments make.

For now it's top secret. We can't noise it about.
    It's an Orman exclusive: Moodys stuck its neck out.
Insider trading's too easy to prove
    if, when this leaks out, Chrysler's stock starts to move

Onward and upward, despite closing all plants,
    While Moodys ratings claim they have a chance
And Geithner and Summers keep coming across,
    Cerberus is the winner while we suffer the loss.

Not once, but forever, as new infomercials
    air ev'ry pledge week on your PBS
Promoting Suze Orman's bread and water concoctions
    with her twelve lecture DVD, "Public Largesse."

Bob Carlson

To 'Detroit Meltdown'
To 'Rating Agencies'
To 'Suze Orman'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'