Why pay Archer Daniels Midland
    to help us add more weight
To our buttocks and our bellies?
    No exercise? It's what we ate!

They'll argue we've no self-control.
    Of course that isn't true,
And Fruit Loops with their sweet'ners
    are an epicurean breakthrough –

So if you know a fatty bum-bum
    whose goal is diabetes,
Have them supplement their Fruit Loops
    with some fructose flavored Wheaties.

They'll be adding to the subsidies
    Congress pays to ADM,
Until obesity's a fate
    even Blue Cross will condemn.

When underwriting's done away with
    and most ev'ryone's insured,
Even fatty bum-bums whom
    the giant ADM has lured

To a sweetener addiction
    health insurers will deplore,
They'll find we must be treated –
    not rejected as before.

Bob Carlson

To 'Archer Daniels Midland'
To Private Insurers
To 'Big Food vs. Big Insurance'
