Pinocchio Bush

Pinocchio Bush in a bind?
Unless TV viewers are blind,
They can not help knowing
Why his nose is still growing,
Which can't be what Rove had in mind.

It started a little while back
With reasons for fighting Iraq.
"There's no way they can beat us
And with old friends to greet us,
We can't afford not to attack."

It seemed to grow quite a bit then,
Though it's hard to say precisely when,
But his linking Osama
To the brand of pajama
Saddam wore? It grew by a factor of ten.

And those weapons that nobody found
After that huge runaround?
Well, when they were found missing,
Rove ruled out baby kissing.
Impaling by nose is unsound.

Though advised that Iraq is a mess,
He continues to claim great success.
Is he hearing impaired
Or just unprepared
To see past his growing proboscis?

He may have to miss those debates.
With a nose that spans several states,
Even Powell & Son
Know that not ev'ry one
Will have TVs that size by those dates.

Bob Carlson
6/17/04, 9/17/04

To 'Bushie, The Lying Bastard'
