He's acting smart, he's acting brave,
But ev'rybody knows he's going to cave,
For in the end it's all pretend.
He's just foolin' himself.

He tells us all we must begin,
That privatizing is a sure shoo-in -
But we all know that isn't so.
He's just foolin' himself.

And as for Medicare –
He turns away and says a prayer
His friends at Pfizer will
Make trillions from their next
   combination pill.

He's acting wise, he's not concerned
About the millions Pfizer will have burned,
If Viagara does what he thinks he was,
While he's still foolin' himself.

* The Washington Post - 3/11/05
"Social Security Vote On the Ropes"

Music & Original Lyric by
Jack Lawrence & Peter Tinturin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Health Care Policy'
To 'Policies - Greed'
To 'Policies - Social Security'
Click for more
– Stem Cells
– Steroids
– Other Health Care