Cheese Rationing
On Wall Street

Timid Tim has failed to act
    and adequately counteract
    the ways that Wall Street preys on our largesse.
He'd continue Paulson's plan
    to help old pals – as best he can –
    reward themselves for authoring this mess.

Aren't we lucky Dodd stepped in?
    What a break for Tim's glass chin
    as many more Wall Streeters dine on crow.
Pay cuts for the "cut-above"
    hopefully will get rid of
    those whose menu specials were our dough.

Few expect we'll feel much pain
    from any massive lame brain drain
    if many of the rodents do bugout
When hubris leads them to suppose
    that hedgefunds they were paid to hose
    think these are guys they cannot live without.

Seeing bank shareholders scammed,
    who's willing to be thank-you-ma'amed
    by vermine as duplicitous as that?
Laws with limits on the cheese
    are more humane than breaking knees
    which some mobs do when they deal with a rat.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'