Cheney's Chicken Democrats
He's intimidating the same old cowards

Chicken Senate Democrats are making reservations
For familiar cubbyholes in undisclosed locations.

Dick's 9/11 bombast scared them into acquiescing
To Wolfowitz and Rummy's rosy telescope
Now Cheney's left his bunker long enough to once again
Cow those Chicken Democrats to not fear if but when

To expect his new recruits and where to put the old
As he attempts to recreate the greatest lies he's told,
Thinking he can make a case for any future blame
To fall upon Obama for his given middle name.

Can Dick convince them Gitmo's inmates might be more adept
At busting out of Supermaxes where Alberto kept
Suspected Gore supporters with nary one escape?
Yet adding a few Gitmo-ites makes Harry Reid go ape?

If KFC hires KBR to rewire those locations,
Who will be fried Boehner-brown in the conflagration?

Bob Carlson

To 'Cheney's Obsessions'
To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'John Boehner'