Child Labor Again
(But at least they'll be armed)

This crusade by state G.O.P. nutjobs is scary.
As budding Qaddafis they'd be on the right track,
But this isn't Libya and our tribal instincts,
Despite the Tea Party, don't go that far back.

So anti-Qadaffi progressives could need you
In fact your assistance just may be required
If by two thousand twelve things haven't improved
For thirteen-and-unders these nutjobs have hired.

They'll all carry Glocks or, if they're in South Dakota,
A Gatling, to intimidate those they oppose.
Most Republican anti-working-class governors,
When so confronted, will at least soil their clothes.

Can this sort of thing happen to Wayne devotees
Who agree to arm every adult in their states?
Has no one guessed children as young as seven
Will bring Glocks to work where they make license plates?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The War On Child Labor Laws:
       Maine Republicans Want Longer Hours, Lower Pay For Kids'

To 'Child Slave Labor Still Exists in America Today'
To 'Tribes With Flags'
To 'Snyder Losing Michigan,
       and Voters Want to Support Collective Bargaining'

To 'School of Glock'
To 'South Dakota's Justifiable Homicides'
To 'Red State Nutjobs'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's NRA Militias''
