Christine O'Donnell? Oh, No!
To each his, or her, own

A solo endeavor? She's checked,
Craigslist classifieds and even Fox News.
She demands friends and neighbors follow her "good" example.
And lug around flyers touting all her taboos.

Was she counting on help from the likes of Karl Rove?
If she was, it now looks like she'll go it alone,
Let's hope without any real noticeable lusting.
Just pray she's not prone to a moan or a groan.

Her disciples might hear her indulging herself.
Picture how badly news of that would be taken.
The GOP's very own Senatorial abstinence advocate
Is suddenly caught with her vibrator shakin'?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Wingnuts' New Queen'
To 'Christine O'Donnell's Views On Sex And Porn
       Take Social Conservatism To The Extreme'

To 'Righty pundits on 'suicide' watch'
To 'Christine O'Donnell's big win in Delaware
       sends message to Republican establishment'

To 'That Republican Congress'