Chump Change?
How big a flop can Old Mac flip?

How many older chumps you know
    will ever change their ways?
They'll sound as if they're going to but
    then come the delays.

The truth as many gals find out
    is old guys hate to change.
Like furniture they've used for years
    they're tough to rearrange.

Greenspan refused to use some of
    the power he'd been given,
But favored the deregulation
    for which Mac has striven.

The world economy gives thanks
    that Greenspan now is gone.
Regrettably his legacy
    and Old Mac linger on.

Flip-flopping on most issues
    by this chump is nothing new
But how likely is it he'll pursue
    his newest point of view?

He claims to be a maverick but's
    agreed with Gramm for years.
Odds are that they are still in bed
    with Wall Street's racketeers.

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'