CPAC Does Boehner
A Young Republican's Rally Song

Doctor, Doctor, Doctor
DNA Concocter,
Reincarnate me as 'SunLamp' Boehner.

I had thought I'd like to be
Keeplng Larry Summers on retainer.
But it takes smarts to con the Fed,
So why not go for dumb instead?
Which means doing Boehner's a no-brainer.

Parrots love to talk and talk
But never have to walk the walk,
Which suits 'SunLamp Boehner' to a 'T'.
And me, I'm just an average Joe
Who don't know what he don't know,
So doing Boehner sounds 'bout right for me.

Just think. A Don Quixote,
Who has a little toady
    with warts like Eric Cantor in attendance…
Since Ron Paul's nearly senile,
Imagine being in denial
And stuck with fetching paper clips
    for all Ron Paul's descendants.

Who knows if they would be like me,
Fools who'd pass up AIG,
Or patriots who'd put me on retainer?
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor
DNA Concocter,
Reincarnate me as 'SunLamp' Boehner.

Bob Carlson

To 'SunLamp Boehner'
To 'Republicans'
To 'Ron Paul Steals Romney's Thunder in Straw Poll'