Crediting Condoleezza
Bushie shares the blame

I didn't care then so why would I care now?
    I'll pardon whomever I please.
Enron's bozos bankrolled me and gave me my start –
    You think I'd abandon the sleaze?

Or the fair Condoleezza who pooh-poohed air attacks
    till she dreamed up Saddam's mushroom cloud.
A virgin back then, where the world is concerned,
    and she still is for crying out loud.

She's up there with Paulson, Gonzalez and Brownie.
    I sure had the pick of the lot.
Why's it my fault they screwed up and got us all into
    this horrible mess that we've got?

The least I can do is duck ev'ry shoe
    that fate now is tossing my way.
If I'd only known what I thought they knew,
    I'd need no excuses today.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Legacy of Lies'
To 'Bushie's Condoleezza'
To 'Bushie's Paulson'