Cruz, Nixon, Issa & McCarthy
(Embracing John C. Calhoun and earlier eras)

Cruz likens the IRS flap to Nixon and Watergate
But fails to equate Issa with Joe McCarthy's ways.
The fact that the four aforementioned doozies
Are all blowhard Republicans should add credence to Cruz's clichés.

Even Issa's allegations have yet to be proven
He makes accusations and then tries to back them up.

With no basis for any of his false fabrications,
He's like a flat-chested woman who buys a D-cup.

Cantor and Steel are giving Issa free reigh.
Their praise for his performance is like a runaway train.
Who does it damage? Who does it demonize?
Issa, himself, and his cohorts promulgating his lies.

Who's Obama's Kissinger? His evil gnome?
With a thick foreign accent that Trump wouldn't trust?
Without someone fitting Kissinger's description,
The Cruz/Nixon allegations quickly go bust.

How did Joe McCarthy's notorius career terminate?
Will Darrell Issa enjoy an identical fate?
Taking the heat for his Republican "superiors"?
Basking in infamy as he's given the gate?

Bob Carlson

To 'Top Republicans Let Darrell Issa Off the Leash'
To 'Cruz: IRS Scandal ‘Harkens Back to the Days of Nixon'
To 'Obama Hatred and the IRS'
To 'Southern Conservatives Revive Calhounism—Tyranny of the Minority'
To 'More Republican Puppets in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Irresponsible Eric Cantor in Rhymed Verse'