Damn You Again, Barack Obama! – I
Old Mac bemoans losing UBS and the pigeon breeder vote

Damn you again, Barack Obama!
You've snared the pigeon breeder vote.
How'd you know that homing pigeons
Were Wall Street's FISA antidote?

Without a prime supply of pigeons
UBS becomes Bear Stearns.
FISA tapes off-shore transactions
Recording more than just downturns.

UBS investors panic.
Imagine if what's overheard
And passed on to the IRS
Shows what's wrongly tax-deferred.

Wired and Wireless, telecoms
Are well equipped to intercept.
But Bushie catching homing pigeons?
How could someone who's so inept?

The problem is the pigeon droppings.
The Swiss don't dig the pigeon poop.
Which may not auger well for Wall Street.
They were an influential group.

But pooping pigeons and Phill Gramm
Plus FISA mean that UBS
Not only finds itself in trouble
With its own pigeons, but in a mess.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Snooping Policy'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'
To 'Obama's Voting Ploys'