Obama's Gulf War –
Danger: Bamboozling Advisors Ahead
How expensive must a Larry Summers job stimulus be?

How hard will it be for Obama's advisors
To bamboozle BP into persuading Thad
To turn its relief wells into gushing producers
So Obama looks good and more jobs can be had?

How many new jobs will his aides' machinations
Beget at the start? A few hundred per well?
But whenever BP and Transocean join forces
Those numbers can look like a mere bagatelle.

How prepared will Thad Allen be this time around?
Are Dispersants-By-Lisa still in short supply?
Can Salazar locate more HazMat apparel
So no BP and Transocean execs go bye-bye?

How hard will it be for the Gulf to recover?
Will exported sea turtles try to come back?
Will another oil spill appease Jindal and Barbour
So more Democrats don't come under attack?

Bob Carlson

To 'Happy Talk That Oil is "Evaporating Rapidly"
       So, What the Hell is This?'

To 'In Gulf, Good News Is Taken With Grain of Salt'
To 'The Oil Spill's Worst-Case Scenario'
To 'Brownwer: 'Oil will weather in the ocean''
To 'Browner: Let's eat'
To 'BP is still deciding what to do'
To 'Obama's Milquetoast Advisors'
To 'The Obama Gang Can't Shoot Straight'
To 'The Economy's Larry Summers'
To 'EPA's Lax Lisa Jackson'
To 'MMS's Ken Salazar'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'