Darrell Issa Plays The Wizard
(With a predictable outcome for the humbug)

Where does Issa come by his wild inspirations
For the accusations he finds impossible to prove?
Could the ghost of Joe McCarthy be giving Issa a hand?
There's no doubt about it, the guy's in a groove.

He's getting some attention, but not as much as Joe did.
Were Commies more of an issue than what a prospective PAC overbid
To get Cruzes elected to places to spout their venom
Instead of educating a more deserving kid?
Does Issa arouse false hopes, among his base of Obama haters,
Of impeachable offenses the constitution might forbid?

None that they've invented so far. It's a losing cause.
Tell him take a break; force him to pause.
We've seen this played out at least twice before,
With Joe McCarthy and the Wizard of Oz.

Bob Carlson

To 'Top Republicans Let Darrell Issa Off the Leash'
To 'Cruz: IRS Scandal ‘Harkens Back to the Days of Nixon'
To 'Obama Hatred and the IRS'
To 'More Republican Puppets in Rhymed Verse'