Decibels of Guilt
Who's against offshore tax reforms?

Who's an offshore tax scofflaw?
    One way Obama tells:
He measures their P.R. dissent
    in terms of decibels.

Who will scream the loudest?
    Politicians on the take
From those who don't pay taxes
    on the profits that they make!

Offshore tax avoidance
    is the sleazy game they play
With perks and contributions
    for pols who let them have their way.

Soon we'll all bear witness
    as offshore tax naysayers
Protest they can't afford to be
    legitimate taxpayers.

We'll see who has and hasn't been
    paying their fair share –
Whose pocket politicians
    generate the most hot air,

Knowng contributions to their
    campaigns could decline
If offshore tax evasion
    generates a hefty fine.

So, please tax the tax evaders
    so their greasy lobbyists
Can't pay for more earsplitting
    tax reform obstructionists.

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'Mendacious Mitch McConnell'