Democrats Are Dummies
Bushiie explains how he'll privatize the army to stay in Iraq

"Democrats are dummies if they think we're pulling out.
Cheney almost hurt himself laughing up his sleeve.
Even Nuri K. al Maliki, a heck of a good scout,
Knows Blackwater's bozos have no plans to ever leave.

"The gig has been as lucrative as Grover Norquist said.
Why, Ollie North has told his friends he's thought of unretiring.
But Abramoff's in prison; it didn't matter what he pled –
And L. Paul Bremer's T-shirt sales have not been awe-inspiring.

"Of course we'll need far more Blackwaters than we have so far,
But Dougie Feith's assured us – he says he knows the drill –
He'll draw up occupation plans with Cheney as oil czar
So Exxon-Mobil and BP will gladly foot the bill

"To privatize the Army, or at least the upper ranks
Of geniuses who got us here including Tommy Franks.
We'll also bring back Brownie for his help with their supplies
As well as weather problems where he needs to improvise.

"Petraeus has agreed to be Blackwater's CEO
Where politics won't dictate how he pussyfoots around
As another sycophantic star in Cindy's puppet show,
And won't still be deferring to commanders on the ground."

Horizons are elusive; by definition out of reach,
And, despite the song's description, aren't always blue,
But for weaselling they're handy in a Bush or Old Mac speech –
How vague are they in Arabic if they seem vague to you?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Policy for Quitting Iraq'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'