Disowning Arizona

Who made the mistake and let Arizona
Join the union and become the 48th state?
From the very beginning they've been nothing but trouble.
There's little about us they've not managed to hate.

Their frontier mentality and aggressive ways
Haven't changed for the better. They haven't matured.
They're still filled with anger, hatred and bigotry.
For nearly a century look what we've endured.

So isn't it time to disown Arizona?
Their nutjobs pass laws so their nutjobs can shoot
Elected officials and innocent bystanders
Just for the hell of it, instead of the loot…

Laws so that folks who don't look North American
Have to be stopped to get the third-degree.
They've run out of original natives to slaughter
Now new immigrants can't share in our land of the free.

Then as the ultimate example of nutty
They're passing a law to try to prevent
The man most consider the most American
From running again, our own President!

Idiots! Nutjobs! Arizonans! Who needs them?
If they can't stand living with our law and order,
Let's throw the bums out! Let's redraw the maps
And see how they like living South of the Border.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Arizona's us-versus-them brand of politics'
To 'The Birther Plan To Block Obama's Reelection'
To 'The Republic of Arizona's Mayhem'
