Obama's Gulf War –
Dispensing Its Dispersants
British Petroleum's hidden agenda

Transocean's in hiding with Heidi in Zug.
The British are hiding what leaks from their plug
In tiny droplets much harder to see,
But four times as toxic to you and to me

"Deodorized kerosene" added to oil
Ought to make drill-baby-drillers recoil.
Yet that is what British Petroleum thinks
Is best for their mother of all kitchen sinks.

Oil slicks on the surface have not reached the shore.
So far so good, no new Valdez eyesore…
The wind and the oil booms have kept them away
But those toxic droplets may be here to stay.

Still who's letting British Petroleum use
The toxic dispersant Big Oil's off-shoot brews?
Two times as deadly and half as effective?
That can't be a drill-baby-driller objective.

Oil plumes under water are hard to discern.
Toxic oil droplets are harder to burn.
Though BP wrecks havoc with Florida's Keys,
Do they plan to cleanup what nobody sees?

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up
       Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup'

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Dispersing Ain't Cleaning'
To 'Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better Alternative'
To 'Scientists Warn Oil Spill Could Threaten Florida'
To 'Swiss retreat helps Transocean save millions'
To 'EPA's Jackson'